Digital Marketing Strategy

Project Summary

After working over the summer at Premiere Creative as a Digital Marketing Intern, I decided to apply what I have learned (alongside my own research after the internship) and develop a marketing portfolio on a hypothetical app, Closet Optimization. This proposal serves as a project submission for an internships class while following certain requirements and thus only covers a few aspects of a full marketing strategy.

Business Description

This marketing campaign is based off of a hypothetical app created in collaboration with my other peers in a previous course (Information Systems Analysis and Design), titled Closet Optimization (CO). CO addresses the problem that people face daily: What do I wear? Many people struggle to fully utilize the clothes they have in their closet. Some clothes get buried in the back. Others were bought on a whim and then never worn. Whatever the reason, CO aims for a thorough rotation of all the clothes in your closet by generating an unique outfit every day. To accomplish this, all users need to do is build a digital catalog of their clost into the app.

One of the main barriers to this idea is that manually inputting information such as color, category, photos, and descriptions for every single piece of clothing you own can be frustrating. For my marketing campaign, I want to advertise a hypothetical brand, XYZ, partnering with CO so that all their clothing items are already preregistered onto the app (with images and descriptions). All users would have to do is scan a barcode. Then, all the clothing information will be seamlessly integrated into their digital closet and ready to be used as a part of a possible outfit combination. If users would like to add or remove the predetermined image, descriptions, or categories, they are free to edit them as well.

Campaign Goals

This marketing campaign aims to accomplish three main goals:

  • Maintain customer attention, interest, and use of CO with new features that make the clothing inputting process more seamless for specific clothing brands.
  • Encourage new users who were hesitating to download the app to convert.
  • Develop a successful partnership with the hypothetical brand “XYZ” with exclusive clothing collection found only at CO.

Sources Used

Batra, Rajeev and Kevin L. Keller. “Integrating Marketing Communications: New Findings, New Lessons, and New Ideas.” Journal of Marketing, vol. 80, no. 6, American Marketing Association, Nov 2016, pp. 122-145. Sage Journals, DOI:10.1509/jm.15.0419.

McGruer, Dawn. Dynamic Digital Marketing: Master the World of Online and Social Media Marketing to Grow Your Business. E-book, John Wiley & Sons Incorporated, Jan 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central.

Moore, Kaleigh. “The state of email marketing and SMS for fashion ecommerce: benchmarks, examples, and trends.” Klaviyo, July 2022, Accessed 9 Nov 2022.

Reno, Giana. “Are your Lead Conversion Rates Above Average?” Marketing Insider Group, Mar 2022, Accessed 5 Nov 2022.

Saura, Jose Ramón et al. “Understanding the Digital Marketing Environment with KPIs and Web Analytics.” Future Internet, vol. 9, no. 4, MDPI AG, 2017. ProQuest Central, DOI:10.3390/fi9040076.

Stieglitz, Stefan, et al. “Social media analytics – Challenges in topic discovery, data collection, and data preparation.” International Journal of Information Management, vol. 39, Elsevier Ltd., Apr 2018, pp. 156-168. ScienceDirect, DOI: j.ijinfomgt.2017.12.002.

Zahay, Debra. Digital Marketing Management, Second Edition: A Handbook for the Current (or Future) CEO. E-book, Business Expert Press, Sep 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central

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